štvrtok 14. augusta 2008

Mensi vylet do Budapesti z Patiniec.
Velmi krasna priroda hlavne v Nagymarosi.Uz chapem preco sa nedokoncil projekt Gabčíkovo - Nagymaros.U nas sa toho viac nez dost zlikvidovalo tymto projektom na Dunaji.
Nejake tie fotky.

Pristavisko a kupalisko pre miestnych v Dunabogdány

6 komentárov:

Anonymný povedal(a)...

what happened to the other one?

Anonymný povedal(a)...

Yutarets! kasagad bah!

Anonymný povedal(a)...

I agree with you about these. Well someday Ill create a blog to compete you! lolz.

Anonymný povedal(a)...

Probably I can say with this blog make, more some interesting topics.

Anonymný povedal(a)...

Considering the fact that it could be more accurate in giving informations.

Anonymný povedal(a)...

It could challenge the ideas of the people who visit your blog.